Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing.


            The endocrine system often is considered as one of the body’s most complex systems. It is responsible in secreting hormones directly into the blood, which has different functions and means of action that affects different organs. Alteration in function of the endocrine system results in a variety of physiologic changes, which may be very serious and fatal, but at times require minimal hospital care. The branch of biology and medicine dealing with the endocrine system is called Endocrinology. It is concerned with the study of the biosynthesis, storage, chemistry, and physiological function of hormones and with the cells of the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete them.


            It is the study of poisons. The science of toxicology deals with different effects of chemicals within human body. Nowadays, toxicologists use analytical chemistry to detect foreign chemicals in the body. Sensitivity to toxic agents can be affected by age, gender and accompanying conditions. The pathways of chemicals inside the body are absorption, distribution, mechanism, and excretion. Absorption happens by inhalation or ingestion and through the skin while excretion occurs by urination, defecation and exhalation.


            Some people tend to engaged themselves with abusive substances such as amphetamines, which cause direct damage to health. There is a strong link between crime and to those people who are drug dependent and abused. That’s why sometimes drug testing is done. Drug testing is a laboratory procedure performed to evaluate the type and perhaps the quantity of drugs taken by a person by taking small samples taken of fingernails, saliva, blood or hair or more commonly, urine. 

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